
GLW feeds are committed to supporting youngstock with quality digestible raw materials. From our milk powder to our cudlets we take great care in only supplying the best for your calves to ensure good rumen development and achieving 1kg DLWGs.

Calf Cudlets

  • Feed GLW Lifetime Calf Starter Cudlets from day one to maximize early intake and ensure early rumen development. Our Cudlets are specifically formulate in house to meet the calves requirements and to utilize the most efficient feed conversion ratio in early pre-ruminants.
  • With the addition of BioMos, a prebiotic to aid and enhance the function of the immune system and improve gut health and NatuStat, which also supports the immune system and gut integrity, these drive daily live wight gains and aid in higher growth rates in early life to improve milk yields and growth rates in later life.
  • With the inclusion of palatable wheat distillers, sugar beet pulp for digestible fiber and maize for high levels of slowly fermentable energy all help drive intakes from an early age


Calf Starter leaflet


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