DownloadGLW Feeds offers a comprehensive range of dairy feeds which are designed to complement your on-farm feeding system
Our grazing compounds use the highest quality raw materials and are custom-made to complement your grazed grass and optimise cow performance.
We’re a family-driven farming company with over 145 years of experience. To us, you’re more than a number. We understand the pressures of farming life and the commercial challenges of the current market. We’re passionate about farming and committed to supporting you to get the best yield you can with the resources you have available. It’s our business to make your business successful.
Whatever your grazing system, our compounds are formulated to provide high-quality energy, protein and NDF. The balance of NDF, starch and sugar helps grazing cows to utilise grass more efficiently and maintain milk quality.
All our grazing diets come either plain or mineralised to give you more control over mineral intake and include a summer magnesium level of 0.6% to reduce the risk of grass staggers.
A blend of essential oils in our special Optigraze Cake makes the rapidly fermentable grass protein into a more usable source of protein for the cow, this reduces ammonia excretion and controls the high milk ureas seen in spring grazing. This helps you to reduce problems with fertility that are associated with excess protein – a must for the spring block calver.
Our 40-strong fleet of vehicles and dedicated team of drivers is out in all-weather to deliver to your farm making sure that you’ve got everything you need, exactly when you need it.
Our case studies illustrate how we apply our skills, knowledge and products to make a measurable impact on farmers across the UK.
In partnership with our customers, through our case studies you can discover some of the challenges we’ve overcome, and the continued progress and pioneering results of our work together.
GLW Pre-Calver is specially designed and formulated to give the correct balance of protein, energy and minerals. It will assist in a smooth transition from the dry period to early lactation.
Using GLW Pre-Calver can positively influence milk production, milk quality, fertility, mastitis and retained cleansings. It can also reduce metabolic disorders and diseases such as ketosis/fatty liver syndrome and milk fever.
Correct feed management of the dairy cow through late lactation, the early dry period and transition period is critical to early lactation performance.
(typical analysis)
GLW Dairy Grazing Compounds are formulated to provide high quality energy, protein and NDF. These diets are specially designed for grazers and grass grazing systems. The balance of NDF, starch and sugar enables grazing cows to utilise grass more efficiently and helps to maintain milk quality. These diets are available with and without minerals.
(typical analysis)